Thursday, November 22, 2012

Foot Care Tips


Fungal and Bacterial Conditions
Shoes worn for longer period due to humidity lead to fungus
Dry skin, Itching, Peeling, Redness, Blisters
Keep your feet clean and dry – especially the area between your toes
Change your shoes and socks often
Use anti-bacterial talc for feet regularly

Dry skin
Age, Improperly fitting shoes, Psoriasis, Thyroid disease, Diabetes, Certain skin conditions, Household heat that reduces humidity and dries out the skin
The problem could be dealt by using moisturizing lotion on the legs and feet everyday.
Make sure feet are well covered before going out in socks.

Corns and calluses
They are caused by friction and pressure when the bony parts of your feet rub against your shoes.
It is recommended that you wear shoes that fit better or use special pads.
Corn and calluses cannot be treated at home so see a doctor.

They are generally caused because of viruses. They could be painful and contagious if not treated
Consulting a doctor is the only solution that can burn or freeze the wart without surgery.

Ingrown toenails
Ingrown toenails are caused if a piece of the nail breaks into the skin.
Improper cutting of nails also increases the risk of ingrown toe nails
People with large toes typically are prone to this discomfort.
One can prevent this by cutting toenails straight across and level with the top of the toe properly to prevent pus and other complications.
A doctor can remove the part of the nail that is cutting into the skin. This allows the area to heal.

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